The first Transnational Project meeting was hosted by I Spoleczna Szkola Podstawowa im. Unii Europejskiej in Zamosc and took place on 1st-4th October, 2017. Two teachers from each partner school participated in the meeting representing Emakosken koulu (Finland, Nokia), Istituto Comprensivo Madonna della Camera (Italy, Monteparano), l. osnovna škola Čakovec (Croatia, Čakovec) and Agrupamento de Escolas de Vila Nova de Paiva (Portugal, Vila Nova de Paiva). Six teachers of I SSP, highly involved in the project implementation, also took part in the meeting. The project coordinators from all partner schools met to discuss the project activities and the schedule of international mobilities with any potential modifications concerning time management, budget and activities to be conducted, this way preventing any risk concerning the project implementation.

As the ‘Smarter… Greener… Safer…’ project implementation period was shortened from 3 years (applied for) to 2 years (approved), the meeting was devoted to updating all the activities deadlines and the Gantt template (the updated 2-year chart was officially approved by the Polish National Agency). The participants discussed short-term exchanges of pupils in a given school year, assessing the facilities each school has in order to conduct the planned activities. All this was done in order to foresee any difficulties or problems a hosting school may have and ensure safety of the participants. To ensure proper project implementation, coordinators discussed visits to the local cooperating institutions and parents’ involvement in the activities. The participants discussed the main project objectives, implementation, dissemination plan and expected impact. Project budget and monitoring were also part of the meeting. The participants of the meeting took part in the workshop for teachers on ‘Storytelling in Entrepreneurship Education’ prepared by IT and Entrepreneurial Education teacher of I SSP. The workshop was supposed to be the basis of cyclic education of teachers (followed by online workshops) on entrepreneurial education and integration of scientific subjects with entrepreneurship elements.
The Transnational Project Meeting was also a chance for the students of ISSP in Zamosc to talk to teachers from partner schools and to exchange opinions and expectations concerning the project. As one of the main project objectives is to create international cooperation between institutions to share and exchange good practices concerning environmental protection, the meeting was a great opportunity to exchange experiences and learn about different educational systems. The meeting made it possible for the local authorities of the town of Zamość to get involved in the project. On 3rd October 2017 the international group was invited to the Town Hall of Zamość where the mayor Mr Andrzej Wnuk and the Director of the Department of Education Ms Agnieszka Kowal answered the guests’ questions concerning the region, the municipality activities for the environmental protection and cooperation with educational institutions. The group of coordinators had a chance to visit the sites in Zamość and Roztocze National Park, where many project activities are and will be conducted. This way they also had a chance to learn about Polish cultural and natural heritage.