The “Agrupamento de Escolas de Vila Nova de Paiva” (AEVNP) - Grouping of Schools of Vila Nova de Paiva - is built by four kindergarten school buildings, three primary school buildings, an elementary school and high school. It has around 650 students (ages between 4 to 18), 80 teachers and 45 operational staff. In what concerns the observatory of quality and improvement, o AEVNP joined the Programme of Support and Evaluation of Academic Success (PAASA) and to the Program of Support to the Schools Self-evaluation (PAAE). The grouping of schools is situated in Municipally of Vila Nova de Paiva, a poor social and economic context, where families often deny the children’s right to education. We are also one of the schools participating in the ECO-SCHOOLS project which is an international program of the Foundation for Environmental Education, developed in Portugal since 1996 by ABAE. It aims to encourage actions and recognize the quality work developed by the school, in the ambit of Environmental Education for Sustainability. The program is coordinated at the international, national, regional and school levels. This multilevel coordination allows the confluence of common objectives, methodologies and criteria that respect the specificity of each school in relation to its students and characteristics of the surrounding environment.

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