‘Green E+Dictionary’ is a compilation of short movies recorded by Erasmus+ ‘Smarter… Greener…Safer…’ international teams. They present students’ explanations of scientific and technical terms combined with entrepreneurship in a form of peer-to-peer instructive or informative videos. The entries refer to four main concepts GREEN ENERGY, GREEN TECHNOLOGIES, GREEN THINKING and GREEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP.
‘Green E+Dictionary’ is available under the link
https://issuu.com/sapo7543/docs/e-dictionary and in a PDF version attached below.
‘GreenSmart Stories’ – a real problem-based entrepreneurial story book created by students of partner countries of Erasmus+ ‘Smarter…Greener…Safeer…’ project and involving problem solving , entrepreneurial skills and environmental knowledge incorporated in everyday life. The ‘GreenSmart Stories’ book contains 5 chapters created by students and followed by tasks which provoke discussion concerning protection of natural environment and require entrepreneurial approach (also soft skills). The stories may be used in mixed ability classes as the contents allow for varied interpretation and difficulty adjustment
The following lesson plans incorporate entrepreneurial education in various school subjects, in particular, those referring to the scientific field and environmental protection. The lesson plans are grouped according to the Online Workshops which they follow.
‘Greenpreneur’s Book’ is the best practice exchange guidebook consisting of a compilation of presentations worked out by students from Poland, Croatia, Italy, Portugal and Finland under Erasmus + project ‘Smarter… Greener… Safer…’ to meet the need for exchange of knowledge concerning environmental issues such as green energy, renewable sources of energy, saving energy, green technology, environmental protection and elements of green entrepreneurship. It is the outcome of the work done by five partner schools to the EU project. The guidebook has been divided into four parts entitled: GREEN ENERGY, GREEN TECHNOLOGY, GREEN THINKING, GREEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP.
We hope this eco-friendly e-compilation will be a useful source of information to everyone interested in environmental issues and entrepreneurship.
Benefits of using green energy
Examples of recycled objects, how to promote anti-consumerism-useful tips
How and why to protect the natural heritage, useful tips/advice
Green technologies in our household
Examples of green technologies and their advantages
What is green entrepreneurship
Benefits of green entrepreneurship
Green technologies commonly used in our countries